Thursday, June 9, 2016

And now for something completely different...

Had a tough interaction with a colleague today, and it made me think again about something that, as it turns out, I've thought about A LOT (and been on both sides of multiple times).  So, here's a few thoughts I've thrown together on the topic.

Tips for when you feel like you are acting, or are being perceived as, too needy or clingy!

Questions to ask yourself before you perform a communicative act (speech or otherwise):

~By doing this, am I asking for some kind of support?

~If so, what kind?

~What am I hoping will be the outcome of this act?

~Is that outcome likely? / Does the person I am asking have the resource that I am asking for?

~If not, can I ask someone else for support, who will be more likely to be willing or able to help?

~Is there something that I can do for myself in this situation instead of looking to someone else for support?