Monday, May 1, 2017

Two more oldies but goodies (?)

Once upon a time I knew enough Latin to write Latin poetry... maybe.  You be the judge 😛


Numquam futuro lacrima-
tur sanguinem corpus meum.
Cum candet luna alvus mea
videtur esse ingens pirum.
Nitor genibus in nive ululo-
que frigido exanimique. Dum
capra parit infecunda sum.


In herbis altis aridis
clandestinis duae fidis
confirmant amicitiam.
Ocellis pullioribus
et quasi aquam manibus
complexis spargunt gratiam.

1 comment:

  1. In case you want a cheatsheet, here are the translations I kept stashed with the poems deep, deep in my electronic basement --

    The Isolated

    My body weeps tears of blood
    for my never-to-be child.
    When the moon glows, my womb
    becomes a bursting pear.
    I fall on my knees in the dull,
    lifeless snow and wail. While the
    she-goat bears young, I am barren.


    In the tall, dry grass,
    two strengthen their friendship
    with faithful secrets.
    With dark eyes
    and clasped hands
    they scatter grace like water.
